Due to its commitment to making education accessible to street children in Indonesia, Solve Education! won the Awesome Foundation’s September Grant. As the grant winner, Solve Education! (SE!) will ensure that every penny worth spending. The money will go to the ongoing software and content development for its platform Dawn of Civilization. SE! is committed to developing an app that can serve dual purposes: education purpose through its mini-games and entertainment purpose through its meta game.

SE! believes that this approach can maintain users’ motivation to keep learning. Furthermore, Dawn of Civilization can be played online and offline even on low-end devices. This way, SE! believes that even street kids with low socio-economic background can still afford good quality education.

The Awesome Foundation is a global community that is determined to support awesome projects aims through delivering micro-grants without special conditions. Every month, the Awesome Foundation carefully select an organization or community committed to implementing their ideas to help improve their society.

For more information about the grant, please visit the Awesome Foundation page.