How Solve Education!’s Youth Leader Are Transforming Students into Champions

At Solve Education!, our mission is to make learning accessible,and enable people to empower themselves through education. Today, we’re excited to share the story of eight exceptional students from SMK Jalan Bukit in Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.

These students, who have been active Youth Leaders of Solve Education!’s learning platform, recently showcased their language skills in the prestigious National English Choral Speaking Competition, achieving outstanding success.

A Journey of Dedication and Innovation

The National English Choral Speaking Competition is organized by Malaysia’s Ministry of Education. It challenges students to deliver synchronized, rhythmic script readings in English. SMK Jalan Bukit became the Hulu Langat District champions. They went on to secure 1st runner-up at the Selangor State level. This is impressive, given the fierce competition from 30 schools across the state.

Even more impressive is that eight of the 20 participants are Solve Education! Youth Leaders. They used our learning platform,, to enhance their English speaking and listening skills.

These students consistently used to improve their pronunciation and expand their vocabulary. This prepared them for the rigorous demands of the competition.

Let’s see their amazing performance!

SMK Jalan Bukit’s performance at the National English Choral Speaking Competition, Malaysia.

Technology Meets Commitment

The journey to success in the National English Choral Speaking Competition required both technological support and unwavering dedication. The students practiced critical language skills, such as pronunciation and listening, using Solve Education!’s platform. These skills directly contributed to their performance. Their coach, Puan Sharizawati, provided remote guidance despite medical challenges. Through daily feedback and rigorous training, the team delivered a unified and impressive performance. They achieved this in just two weeks of preparation.

Celebrating Culture and Language

The students’ script, titled “Three Bachelors and the Silat Quest,” masterfully blended Malaysian culture with English language themes, showcasing their ability to connect language acquisition with cultural identity. This approach highlights the importance of language learning that respects and celebrates students’ backgrounds, a core value of Solve Education!’s philosophy.

Beyond the Competition

The benefits of Solve Education!’s platform extend far beyond a single competition. The eight ambassadors not only achieved success on stage but also improved their overall language proficiency, inspiring peers and demonstrating the long-term impact of technology-enhanced learning.

“It was an experience I am absolutely grateful for. The main reason is that I love it as a platform to speak and express myself through choral speaking. I got to act, improve my intonation, and build my overall confidence. The teamwork and the memories we created together are what I treasure the most.” — Afiqah Humairah

Their growth through goes beyond short-term goals, equipping them with essential skills for academic achievement and future career opportunities. As their coach, Puan Sharizawati, noted, reaching the state level represents a significant milestone, but the confidence and language mastery they gained will serve them well into the future.

Looking Forward: A Call for Collaboration

This success story showcases the power of Solve Education!’s innovative approach to language learning. By providing students with the tools they need to master English, we are helping them break down barriers and access new opportunities.

Imagine the potential impact if this model were expanded to more schools and communities. By partnering with Solve Education!, funders and supporters can help us bring and our ambassador programs to even more students, empowering them to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.

Join us in supporting Solve Education!’s mission to revolutionize language learning. Together, we can provide students with the language skills they need to thrive, creating a future where education unlocks limitless opportunities.