We provide a fun, easy-to-access way to learn, no matter who they are or where they are from.


Solve Education! is a philanthropic organization committed to enabling people to empower themselves through education. Our focus is to help children and youth around the globe receive effective and fun education. Whether these children and youth don’t attend schools or the traditional education they receive is ineffective, we are here to help.

Our team is made up of experienced educationists, technologists, and business executives. What do we have in common? Our driving passion to close the global education gap, one child at a time.

“Learning should be fun. How do we empower kids to learn with the fast-becoming globally-accessible internet and smartphone? Perhaps this is one of the key questions of our age.”

Peng T. Ong

“Many challenging problems can be solved with well-built technology. The global education gap is no exception.”

Janine Teo
CEO & Founder

“What Solve Education! is doing as a team is invaluable. It’s going to make a huge difference for people who might not otherwise have access to learning these skills and improving their lives.”

Barbara Oakley, PhD
Professor at Oakland University and Author of Learning How to Learn

Let’s hear from our learners! 


Our learners are in 45+ countries

Muhammad Faizi Bin Muhamad Miziazam

Muhammad Faizi Bin Muhamad Miziazam


Its good and easy, I am able to invite my friends and play together

Supapol Kummuang

Supapol Kummuang


Solve Education’s learning platforms improve my English skills better and make me enjoy learning English every day. 

Edzhar Allano Prasetyo

Edzhar Allano Prasetyo


Gamenya asik,menarik,bagus. Pertanyaannya mudah di pahami, bisa membangun kota dan menaikkan level

Wongsakorn Kamlom

Wongsakorn Kamlom


This game is very usefulness in helping me improve my English and communication skills. Each levels in the game is also very challenging. I like the city building as part of the game because it allows me to drawn up a plan and creat my own unique and innovative city.

Ismaya Anshori

Ismaya Anshori


Ed the Learning Bot from Solve Education helps me a lot in learning English. I can answer questions and learn English in my free time because it is very flexible.

Arthika Rainy

Arthika Rainy


I really like the features offered by Edbot.ai, especially for learning English. Not only does it make learning fun and interactive, but it helps me to improve my understanding of English.

Thanks to the exercises provided, I became more confident in communicating and understood English content better. 

Overall, I think Ed the Learning Bot is a really good learning application. I definitely recommend this platform to anyone who wants to practice English or any other available material.

Chatthongthep Krasaethep

Chatthongthep Krasaethep


What I like about the game is it helps me to learn English. I am not good at English, but I love to play games, so I’d like to practice my English with Solve Education’s learning platform.

Wisnu Husada Pratama

Wisnu Husada Pratama


Edbot.ai can help students learn anywhere, anytime, and make it easier for teachers to monitor students’ processes. Through the scoring system and leaderboard from Edbot.ai, students in my community become motivated to learn.

Ahmad Imaduddin Bin Ibrahim

Ahmad Imaduddin Bin Ibrahim


Saya suka permainan ini, terutama untuk menyusun kalimat dan menjawab pertanyaan mini games.

Elisa Loenita Damyanti

Elisa Loenita Damayanti


Saya sangat suka sekali dengan Ed the Learning Bot, fitur latihan soal dan misi harian yang ditawarkan membuat saya merasa lebih termotivasi untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris saya setiap hari. Setiap misi harian memberikan tantangan yang menarik dan membantu saya untuk konsisten dalam belajar.

Terima kasih, Ed, telah menemani perjalanan pembelajaran saya saya belajar bahasa Inggris!

Ketut Aartawati

Ketut Aartawati


Game nya sangat menyenangkan! Saya suka karena dari gamenya kita bisa belajar bahasa Inggris

Nur ain syamilah bt abd mutalib

Nur ain syamilah bt abd mutalib


The game is really good. It is good for students who want to learn English for the first time and also you can improve your English. It really helps me. For a new player I just want to say, I know most player will say it is hard but please don’t give up!

Nur Batrisya Binte Shaari

Nur Batrisya Binte Shaari


I am enjoying the game and having lots of fun learning and building my dream city. I have improved my English and conversational skills.

Difa Fajar Suryadi

Difa Fajar Suryadi


Game nya sangat melatih kita untuk lebih mempunyai wawasan yang luas, tidak hanya tentang materi bahasa Inggris saja, namun terdapat materi lain nya yang sangat bagus.

Muhamad Bagas Widyatama

Muhamad Bagas Widyatama


The games are fun and useful, I can learn to improve English pronunciation and also increase vocabulary while playing various mini games so it doesn’t get boring.




Game ini aku dapat dari rekomendasi kaka HUTATA tentang boost your brain. Jadi aku coba-coba. Dari membangun kota kecil, mengumpulkan dana dengan berbagai permainan mengedukasi dan melatih otak dengan cara menyenangkan. Beberapa hari main, saya jadi percaya kalau game benar2 bisa merangsang perkembangan otak. Game edukasinya mantap!




I’ve improved in reading and speaking English, got a lot of vocabulary, and making a city in the game is fun and makes me happy. Thank you for creating games that can improve my English so I can learn and play with joy.

Puja Rani Saha

Puja Rani Saha


I am excited to learn with Solve education! It will enhance my skill, and I can earn pocket money from this program. Thank you for this opportunity.




I saw this program from Facebook ads. After I tried it out and the experiences were satisfactory, especially if you are a new learner of English, I am sure that this program will help you improve your skill to the next level

Tasnuva Tanjum Tanha

Tasnuva Tanjum Tanha


Solve Education! provide a benefits platform that I am looking for. It’s an honour and privilege for me to be a part of this program. It helps me enhance my skills and also gives me a chance to earn pocket money. Thank you, Solve Education!

Alamgir Hossain

Alamgir Hossain


This program benefits us to learn English, and I can also get some pocket money through this program.




When I answered the English paper, I couldn’t believe that almost half of the questions came from the SE!’s Learning Platofrm, and I really enjoyed it. I even taught my brother from kindergarten how to play on the SE!’s Learning Platofrm




Through this game, I can improve my English skills, learn new words, and pronounce them correctly.

Champika Jayasekara

Champika Jayasekara

Sri Lanka

The main problem that most students face in Sri Lanka is that they don’t have enough facilities for learning. So, we try to facilitate and teach them with media that is available. Thanks to Solve Education!, we can teach the students with minigames, which the students love very much. The facilitators training prepared by Solve Education! was very great. It was very well explained, and the instructions were very clear. And from the GCT 2.0, I learned new methods of teaching and different situations faced by the facilitators from different countries.

W.M. Tharanga Prabhath

W.M. Tharanga Prabhath

Sri Lanka

Solve Education is an excellent organization which gives us knowledge. Their service is very significant. The minigames develop my English skills, but also assist me in facing challenges successfully. For example, learning to pronounce English words properly, increasing the usage of my vocabulary, learning to build proper sentences and build up my own city and get rewards. Students who score the highest number of stars and play more minigames within a week will be selected to win prizes. I was given a prize for my performance in playing most of the minigames.

Mohamed Sardhar Fathima Shafa

Mohamed Sardhar Fathima Shafa

Sri Lanka

The Dawn of Civilization game is very interesting, very fun and helpful to improve my English language. I won the first gift voucher in the first week. With that, I bought books and stationery for my studies. Thank you DOC team and my class teacher, Madam Induni.

Hendrar Prihadi

Hendrar Prihadi

Kepala Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah – Indonesia

Program pembelajaran secara online yang diusung Solve Education! harus mendorong siswa menjadi kreatif mengakses sebanyak mungkin sumber pengetahuan, menghasilkan karya, mengasah wawasan dan ujungnya membentuk siswa menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat.




Ini merupakan pengalaman yang luar biasa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris saya dalam berbicara. Saya merasa acara ini sangat bagus karena saya bisa berbicara dengan penutur bahasa Inggris dari negara lain.

Elisabeth Siska

Elisabeth Siska


Pengalaman belajar di Edbot.ai  sangat memberikan manfaat yang sangat positif, karena menurut saya belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan permainan sangat asyik

Justice Peter

Justice Peter


Just the one and only best platform! Keeping winning and Earning.


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Address : Jalan Phh. Mustofa 155, Komplek Surapati Core Blok F3, Kel. Pasirlayung Kec. Cibeunying Kidul Jawa Barat, 40192
City : Bandung
State : West Java

Address : 80 Raffles Place #58-01 UOB Plaza Singapore – 048624
City : Singapore
State: Singapore

Address : Northwest Registered Agent, Inc. 2108 N ST, STE N – 95816
City : Sacramento
State: California