Gamification: Closing The Global Education Gap

Gamification: Closing The Global Education Gap

Solve Education!, is committed to making quality education and employment opportunities accessible for all underserved children and youth by leveraging the technology and the popularity of mobile devices. One of our solutions to solve the education gap is through an...
GamesKeys: Top Underrated Educational Games

GamesKeys: Top Underrated Educational Games

Mobile phones have made their way into the hands of our target beneficiaries, over 80% of them have immediate access to a smartphone/ one degree of connection away from a smartphone owner. We see this as a golden opportunity to reach and teach children and youths all...
Contribute to the Society Using our Game for Charity!

Contribute to the Society Using our Game for Charity!

Dear Partners and Supporters, At the beginning of May, Solve Education! together with the East Java Provincial Government and Nusantara Innovation Forum, launched an online game “Dawn of Civilization: Game for Charity” to help educate children from...