Solve Education! is conducting the Asia Centralized Training (ACT)
The main objective of the 2021 ACT is to empower our partners with relevant skill sets that can help their beneficiaries in learning. This will also be an opportunity for everyone to share the unique approaches, programs, tips, and tricks they applied with their learners.
Your organization is entitled to invite a maximum of 4 participants to learn several advanced features of our digital products. Moreover, you can recommend other topics of your choice that we would be glad to include in our subsequent sessions.
Join us in this open forum to exchange ideas and best practices!
Participation Registration : 2021 ACT Google Form registration <—- Please register your 4 participants here
Zoom Invitation link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84803470585?pwd=MGxNbjNrbE9kT0dOVFAxcThUWVVndz09

The Solve Education! team can’t stop having fun with Tiktok!????????
We are so glad to be a part of the Tiktok Elevate program which is a 6-week boot camp program exclusively for nonprofits. With the help of training sessions, we receive a comprehensive view of TikTok’s ecosystem and spread awareness through videos.
Follow us on TikTok here

Solve Education! was featured in the One-Click for Smile program in September!
The One Click for Smile Program is driven by Quinie corporation which supports 12 charities, one per month. Visit their special website and your click can generate fundraising of approximately 1USD for Quinie to donate.
Click here to visit their website
Join us to help people in need and bring lots of smiles.

Meet Zulfa from Indonesia!
She’s a college student of International ICT Business with a keen interest in Marketing. She thinks that education is very crucial for developing an independent thought process and making substantial progress for the country. She is a part of Solve Education! internship program to contribute to this. During her free time, she thoroughly enjoys reading, writing, watching movies, and playing badminton.

Meet Joy from Nigeria!
A graduate of Chemical Engineering, she is passionate about Educational Technology and innovation. She wants to empower students with digital literacy to make learning interactive and engaging. She has worked with various EdTech companies, both as an educator and content developer. Some of these EdTech companies are focused on STEM education(Coding, Robotics, and IoT)